What We Do
Walsh Public Relations is a small firm offering its clients senior level attention in every facet of full service public relation needs. Our clients receive our daily attention as we work closely with key officers and constantly suggest and execute PR activities for them. We escort our clients on local, national and global media campaigns and successfully build industry consumer awareness, as well as long-term sustained acceptance of current and future products or services as they develop.
A Walsh Public Relations program begins with taking control of the information emanating from the client. Based on company merit and our establishment of newsworthy angles, Walsh Public Relations issues and directs the flow of information to create a stable, effective and efficient movement of communication. As we deliver key messages in a consistent manner throughout the year, Walsh Public Relations created a distinct atmosphere for the client and keeps them current and active in the public’s mind, while also assuming the respect of society because it is being recognized through the editorial endorsement of trustworthy sources.
Why Choose Us
Using a variety of PR approaches, Walsh Public Relations designs programs to attract attention to a company and its products and services through mass media and communication methods, including, but not limited to: